Friday, December 18, 2009

I didn't eat for three days so I could be lovely

Another show I dove into during my sicky time on the couch is Skins, a gritty UK show about today's youth. My love for teen-centric television is quite well-documented, so it should come as no surprise that I'm enjoying this import immensely!

It's kind of like they took Gossip Girl and stirred it up with the movie Kids. The actors are all pretty great, there's a generous amount of swearing and some (not entirely) gratuitous nudity. Parents and teachers have questionable morals. There's a ton of drinking and a whole lot of drug use and sex everywhere. Clearly, this isn't a show that would work in the puritanical US. It's really clever, smart and doesn't hold any punches.

One of my favorite characters is Cassie, the broken girl with anorexia, who reminds me of a young Billie Piper.


Shotgun said...

Billie Piper is married to my favorite British actor, Laurence Fox. They have a baby the same age BGS.

Shotgun said...

The same age as BGS, that is.