Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Another company, another report

Yesterday was a busy day, thanks to the release of the company's Corporate Citizenship Report, a little website I've been working on for nearly a year. It's the third such report I've worked on, but the first one for my new company.

This time, being the panda in charge, I've been able to implement some ideas that my last company balked at, and hopefully they won't cost me my job. So far, I've done a little itty-bitty media bit, but otherwise it's been crickets chirping. Unlike the last company, my current employer doesn't garner that much press (despite being 10 times larger), so it's been tough to gauge the reaction. Mostly, because there is none!

Since there was such a lack of fanfare, we decided to create our own! Our core team left work early, headed out to a fun new bar and celebrated. The bar boasted cool, driftwood decor and hipster-type bartenders, a fanciful and detailed menu and loud music. Exactly what I needed!

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