Tuesday, October 5, 2010

And this is an exit sign

Yesterday in Central Java, I visited three factories with the General Manager and Social Compliance Manager of the company. From an innovation and factory operations perpsective, the company is pretty innovative and I was interested in seeing some state-of-the-art machinery that I'd never seen before.

I enjoyed speaking with the Production Managers and Quality Assurance Managers, learning about how the company's investment in automation and systems has helped to increase quality, consistency and reduce needed manpower hours.

While we toured the facilities, the Social Compliance Manager kept pointing out very basic health and safety measures they'd put in place, like bright signs to signal where the fire extinguishers are, arrows painted on the floors to designate exit locations in case of an emergency and exit signs above the doors.

It became pretty irritating and I got to wondering if he thought this was the first factory I'd ever visited. I've seen sewing machine eye guards and needle guards before. I know what a first aid kit looks like! Pointing out the umpteenth exit sign is not so interesting to me.

1 comment:

PedanticNerd said...

That fire exit sign is a little odd. Notice that the shadow does not accurately reflect position of the person in relation to the door frame, as seen here: http://www.pedanticnerd.com/2012/07/26/exit-sign/