Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Bemoaning the budget

It's budget season here at my company and, weirdly, I haven't been asked to submit a budget for next year. Since I'm new to the organization, I took it upon myself to meet with Finance yesterday to learn the budgeting process so I could be prepared.

I learned that my manager had expressed the desire to create and propose a budget on my behalf, which was very concerning because he has direct visibility into only 50% of what I need for next year. The rest comes from initiatives that I work on with his boss.

Since he started traveling before I returned from my recent trip, my manager hasn't been available to discuss our budget (which is due in a week), so I rang him up this morning to understand his intentions. Part way through our conversation, he exclaimed that he'd have to call me back and hung up. Since it's now past midnight in his location, and since our Finance lead is asking for my proposed budget, I've taken it upon myself to create a budget for next year and I just submitted it, without having reviewed it with my manager.

Let's hope this wasn't one of those "career-limiting" moves.

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