Monday, October 25, 2010

My pal the professor

One afternoon last week, an old professor from grad school rang me up to say she was in town, consulting for a company. She didn't have much free time, but was hoping I could meet her for a drink to catch up at the W Hotel, where the company had put her up for the night. Since I rarely have plans in the evenings, I agreed to meet up with her and dutifully headed to the W bar that evening.

It's been several years since I last saw her, but through the grapevine (and facebook), I knew that she'd gotten divorced and had entered the dating scene. In fact, her older brother was an acquaintance of mine when I lived in DC - sort of an astonishing connection when we realized this while I was her student.

Our conversation was focused on typical things you'd expect from a professor and former student: my job, her research, moving to Boston, blah, blah, blah. But partway through the conversation, the topic took a decidedly personal turn and I learned a lot about her recent dating exploits and more about her sex life than I had expected to ever know! It seems we've easily moved past the professor/student relationship and are quite squarely in the "friends" zone now.

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