Friday, January 30, 2009

Sleep deprived

Stefano DiMera has spent the past few days getting used to his surroundings, which seems mostly to include sleeping under the bed and climbing up on the kitchen counter. Since I'm not home during the day, I assume there's a lot of scratching at closed doors and walls (and very little scratching of the scratching post) since I usually yell at him when I catch him.

When I come home from work in the evening, Stefano is a ball of energy and I have to play with him to tire him out, because he is quite the active kitty at night. Each night seems to get better and he's starting to sleep more and more at night, but he still insists on purring by my head and stepping on my face.

He thinks my hands are toys because he really pays attention to them and tries to get my fingers to respond, mostly by pawing at them or nibbling them. Usually, my hands respond by moving him to the foot of my bed.

And I know he doesn't mean it, but its become somewhat painful to have him knead at my head, arms and chest when he's getting comfortable. His little claws tend to stick in my skin and I don't think he understands why I turn away when he's just trying to e affectionate.

Meanwhile, I have been a zombie at work, thanks to several nights of very poor sleep.

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