Monday, August 9, 2010

Backyard baby barbeque

At six o'clock yesterday evening, I arrived at Flabs's house, bearing two pies - my contribution to a backyard barbeque in honor of Shotgun's visit to Boston. Shotgun and her family have been driving around the East Coast, so Jillian and I jumped at the chance to have dinner with some old friends.

Everyone started to eat just as I arrived - the chicken had been grilled, the corn cooked and the pasta salad dished out. Why, one might wonder, were we beginning our meal at such an early hour? Well, because there were five children there, the oldest of whom was four years old!

It was pretty chaotic, trying to watch all the kids, encourage them to eat and prevent them from playing with the gas grill. They screamed for more corn and chicken, ran away from the bees and splashed water all over the place.

I'm still getting used to the idea that all my friends have kids and realizing you simply cannot plan for a calm meal when the munchkins are running about. You also cannot plan for clean clothes, as evidenced by Jillian's chalk-covered black dress!

1 comment:

frannie said...

i wish i had been there! truth be told, i'm desperately mourning the loss of the calm adult meal and conversation, too. anywhere there is chaos and screaming, VSRE feels right at home.