Thursday, August 12, 2010

Even ones shaped like wrestlers

When I returned from my most recent trip abroad, I found myself in a conversation where Puppy and DJ Mother Nature were discussing the Silly Bandz phenomenon. And I had no idea what they were talking about. I figured this was an East Coast deal, but it turns out I'd missed an entire trend while traveling.

I'm now accustomed to spotting these little, colorful rubber bracelets on hipster-types and homo-types alike, but I still don't understand what the big deal is. I've noticed packages of Silly Bandz for sale at the drug store and other shopping establishments, and I guess the appeal is that they come in different shapes. You can buy a princess-themed package with bracelets shaped like crowns and castles and high heels. Or you can opt for a more traditional package of animals.

On Sunday, one of Shotgun's boys was wearing one and I asked to see what shape it was. When placed on the table, it looked like a ... dog? Small country? Computer server? I had no idea.

It's an interesting fad and I guess I'm too old and/or too "corporate" to appreciate it. I wonder how long it will last.

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