Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Chlorinated comrades

Last night I took Swimsation out to celebrate a belated birthday dinner. We had one of the most extraordinary meals I've had in a long time. Squid and pork belly with egg salad! Mixed greens with persimmon and prosciutto! Medjool figs stuffed with gorgonzola! Braised veal cheeks with broccolini! Lamb parts with chickpea fritters! No dessert! (We were way too full...)

Swimsation is one of the fastest swimmers I've ever met in my life. She and I moved to DC around the same time and joined a very fun masters team. In fact, we both lament how we've been unable to find a team that compares in terms of fun, genuinely kind people and talent. The team struck just the right balance of competitiveness and revelry that makes swimming fun.

It's always fun to catch up with Swimsation and I wish we had the chance to hang out more often, or to train together again. She's one of the most caring, funny, intelligent people I know and it remains one of the universe's greater mysteries why a wonderful man hasn't yet snatched her up! I'm sure her prince charming is right around the corner...

In any case, it never ceases to amaze me how my friends from swimming remain some of my most steadfast friends for years on end. There's something about that shared experience of pain, hyper-chlorination and competition that creates strong bonds, I guess.

(And yes, Panda!!!! is one of the swimmers in that photo.)

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