Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Commuter catastrophe

My morning commute usually goes something like this... I alight the underground subway system and stand by the doors, reading my paper. For the next five stops (the fifth being my stop), the doors on the opposite side of me open and passengers get on or get off. I'm usually comfortably tucked away by my set of doors the entire time, since mine is the last stop where they open.

This morning, however, between the station where I boarded and the next, the doors I stood by suddenly swung open while we were moving rapidly between stations! Panda!!!! hung onto the bar for dear life, glad that he hadn't been leaning against the doors of death.

When the train came to the next station, all passengers had to exit the train and wait for another one. But at the height of the morning commute, each train that came by was packed with passengers. I waited for five trains before one came by that was empty enough to fit Panda!!!!

I guess I'm grateful that I didn't die a bloody, disfigured death on the wall of the muni tunnel this morning, but the commute sure did put me in a foul mood.

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