Friday, November 16, 2007

Itza pizza

Last night I had the pleasure of enjoying a partial Swerve reunion at a fancy pizza parlor in Oakland! Jillian was in town on a work retreat (Get in touch with your feelings! Confront your anger! Hike amongst the redwoods!) so we scheduled a dinner with Shotgun in the East Bay.

5:00pm is not the best time of day to cross from San Francisco to Oakland. It took us nearly two hours to traverse the bridge and get to our destination. But once we made it, we were pleased to squeeze Shotgun, her husband and her extra-cuddly babe!

Our meal was fairly spectacular. We split a salad, a side order of scrumptious meatballs and two pizzas - one that was covered in chantarelle mushrooms and some sort of cheesy yumminess, and another that had some spicy sauce, squid and tasty aioli blobs. (BFJ would certainly have scolded us for not washing our pizza down with coke.) I've been eating pretty decadently this week, so I'm pretty excited to hit the gym later today.

As always, it's great to catch up with Swervers in person. We chat virtually all day long, but it really can't beat our face-to-face time. Even though our visit was short-lived, I'm still beaming from our little dinner excursion!

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