Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Southern comfort

My monthly dinner with Bill Paxton and GarGar took us to a soul food restaurant last night. We began these dinners a while back, when Gerbil still lived in San Francisco. The dinners went on hiatus after our bills got a little out of control and we all felt the strain on our bank accounts.

But we've resumed and I was pleasantly surprised when GarGar pointed out that dinner for the three of us totaled less than what one of us paid at our most expensive outing. Plus, we definitely ate our fair share of great food.

Between the three of us, we polished off:

* Little pieces of cornbread, molded into the shape of little ears of corn
* Delicious salt cod and sweet pepper fritters!
* A medley of roasted root vegetables
* A bottle of syrah
* Two orders of fried chicken with a side of macaroni pie and a side of black-eyed peas with collard greens and pork belly
* Two orders of crab and grits
* Two pumpkin pine nut cakes
* A spiced pear in red wine sauce with vanilla ice cream

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