Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Escandalos de menor importancia

One thing about leaving the country for a period of time (especially when you have no television or internet access), is that you return woefully behind on pop culture. So, I've been catching up with the following (obviously very important) news tidbits:

Lindsay Lohan may be pregnant! And she's very worried because she has no idea who the father is.

Those Jon & Kate Plus 8 whores are both having affairs! Thank goodness I don't watch this show.

Katie Price and Peter Andre are getting divorced! Does anyone in the US care about this or know who they are?

Miss California was in danger of losing her crown! Because she's a topless Newt Gingrich or something like that.

Jessica Simpson can't tell the difference between a shark and a killer whale! No surprise there.

I'm sure glad I returned from my African safari to keep up with the important news of the world.

1 comment:

Gleemonex said...

How do people who have 8 kids and a teevee show have the time to bang each other, much less people who aren't in-house? That's the real question.