Friday, May 8, 2009

Interesting uses for poop

May 7, 2009

During this morning’s game drive, under gloomy and gray skies, we stopped for coffee and learned of an interesting South African tradition. Our cute ranger and our tracker found some impala droppings, put them in their mouths, and held a contest to see how far they could spit it!

Disgusted, we tourists couldn’t understand how they casually put poop in their mouths. They insisted that it’s hygienic, that it is essentially only grass and explained that it’s a tradition among South Africans. Also, they picked up a larger piece of poop (not impala) and told a story about how they once cut it in the form of a cake, covered it in icing and tricked a woman into trying a piece on her birthday.

They also once took impala pellets, covered them in chocolate and replaced the candy in a dish with the chocolaty poops for a woman in the office where they previously worked.

I explained to the cute ranger that these are some of the reasons why he finds himself single.

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