Saturday, May 9, 2009

Wild wild dogs

May 8, 2009

I’m really sad that today was our last game drive of the safari, but we had a great time and apparently had an unusual and special sighting. After last night’s storm, today was much cooler than previous mornings and the bush had a fresh, clean feeling to it.

We caught up with our pride of lions, spotted the ubiquitous impala, ran into a few zebra, avoided running over a tortoise or two and glimpsed another elephant. We also got a chance to view a pack of wild dogs, which our ranger explained is one of the rarest animals in the reserve. Apparently, there are approximately 3,000 of the endangered animals left in the world, and fewer than 200 in Kruger National Park. We had the great fortune of seeing a dozen, running along, then plopping down to rest.

They looked like normal dogs, with interesting spots on them, but we were told that they’re close relatives of wolves and can be extremely vicious. They’re efficient hunters and merciless killers. All the rangers were thrilled at the sighting and no fewer than six jeeps waited around to give their guests a chance to glimpse the rare creatures.


Peripatetic Life said...

No way! Man, you're lucky. Did they stick around or scurry away?

Panda!!!! said...

They were just running by! Later we saw a few lying around in the grass...