Thursday, May 21, 2009

Pigging out

After a few months, Dyson, GarGar, Gerbil and I resumed our monthly dinners last night at a gastropub in the marina with a porcine theme. Upon arriving in the neighborhood, we remarked that we very, very rarely come to this area of San Francisco, despite the cute stores and the active nightlife.

San Francisco has a tendency to be a segregated city where residents stick to their usual stomping grounds. I'm a Castro/Mission kind of panda, with occasional visits to Hayes Valley. The marina has a reputation to attract beefy, straight-edge frat boys and made-up, well-heeled, girly girls, which hasn't really been my scene since ... well, ever. Nonetheless, we dined here last night because Dyson is doing some work for the owner and got us a very deep discount on our meal.

And thank goodness for the discount because the four of us couldn't contain ourselves. In addition to several rounds of beers and cocktails (naturally), we had a very delish mac & cheese (with extra bacon!), some pulled pork sliders and I, of course, opted for a pot pie! We topped our meal off with some very fancy ice cream sandwiches that boasted some interesting flavor combinations.

Also notable about the establishment is that it was decorated by Christie Clark, the erstwhile Carrie Brady from Days of Our Lives!

1 comment:

room8j said...