Thursday, May 28, 2009

Northern lights

Internets, it's past 9:30pm and the sky is just now hitting a dusky phase. Why? Well, because I've traveled north to Richmond, just outside of Vancouver, BC.

I left the office early, pet Stefano DiMera goodbye and journeyed to Portland, OR before boarding a little prop-plane to Vancouver. While the little plane was a bit slow for my taste, we flew low enough that I had a rather stunning view of Mount Hood and other breathtaking scenery of the Pacific Northwest.

As I waited in line for Canadian customs, a gaggle of Chinese tourists got in line behind me, with about two-thirds of them wearing masks over their noses and mouths. Were they afraid of swine flu? Maybe they're still living in fear of SARS? Perhaps they just have jacked-up teefs.

And now I'm in Richmond, which is filled with strip malls that boast Chinese characters on their signs. It's like being in little Hong Kong, minus the flashing lights, the fast-paced lifestyle, the cutting-edge fashion and the incredible energy.

My family is at a nearby aunt's house where they're busy with some sort of pre-wedding ceremony for my cousin whose nuptials I'm here to celebrate. In lieu of seeing my extended family tonight, I decided to stay at the hotel and work on a presentation I'm making tomorrow at one of our offices nearby. Work first, play later!

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