Friday, May 8, 2009

Nightlife in the bush

May 7, 2009

Last night after dinner, Charlotte York and I were coerced into bringing our iPods to the bar and playing DJ for an impromptu dance party. We learned that the hotel managers are a gay couple who moved here from Cape Town about a year ago. So they, our ranger, the three Frenchies, Charlotte York and I started guzzling wine and listening to Britney.

The annoying Frenchy had clearly dolled herself up to lure our very cute ranger back to her room with her and made it painfully clear that she was sweet on him. In fact, she pulled Charlotte York aside to remind her which of the two ladies is single. Cute ranger, however, was much more into Charlotte York and he made it obvious that had she been single, he would have tossed aside any no fraternization rules for a chance to “get to know” her better.

By the end of the night, after many glasses of wine and a complimentary bottle of champagne, only a drunk quartet of Charlotte York, cute ranger, one half of the gay management couple and I remained at the bar, discussing sharing stories about ourselves and discussing life in the bush. We also learned that people in South Africa have never heard of the band Journey, but they love Def Leppard.

It should come as no surprise that cute ranger was late to pick us up this morning and that after only four hours of sleep, Charlotte York and I were nodding off during this morning’s game drive.

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