Saturday, April 17, 2010

Party like it's 1999

When Reebs and I lived together in Washington DC, we were often too poor and/or too lazy to go out on the town. A nice Friday night for us would find us on the couch or on one of our beds, sharing a bottle of wine and talking about the week's activities.

A decade later, it looks like we've fallen back into our old pattern. With her husband stranded in London due to a canceled flight, and since she cannot leave her two-year-old daughter alone, I went over to her house (a mere two blocks away), watched her put her kid to bed and we shared some wine and ordered Thai.

We enjoyed an order of gold bags, pad thai and green curry, sipped on some wine and shared our latest news. It was a lovely, low-key Friday night and now that we're neighbors, I'm sure we'll spend more time like it's the late '90s.

1 comment:

Gleemonex said...

Ha! For me, that woulda been herbal jazz cigarettes and either Dazed & Confused, Tommy Boy or the Beatles Anthology, or maybe beers with the gang at the Front Room ... love it. :-)