Saturday, April 11, 2009

Dyona Cross

Selives is in town for the weekend, so last night a few of us went to dinner and tried to get mentioned in a follow-up to this article.

As usual, we ate too much, drank too much and acted out as much as we could, frightening the poor waitress who had the unfortunate assignment of serving us and had to be asked to bring us some grilled focaccia several times by Kitten. Conversation turned to television, drag queen names, this fool and the trip to Reno which brought Selives to town.

And in a maneuver hearkening back to my youth, I was totes overserved and woke up on my couch with the lights and television on, apparently having eaten a piece of pizza and a cupcake.


The Paralegal said...

Correction: the television was not on.

andrew said...

I also have a corrections: The proper spelling is Diyona Cross. Thank you!