Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Might as well adopt a kid, while you're at it

Internets, what is it with homeless people who spend the entire day sitting dirtily on a sidewalk, begging for money ... with a pet? If you can't make enough money to take care of yourself, how the hell are you qualified to "care" for an animal?

And do people seriously hand them money, hoping to help the pet? "That poor puppy will need food; I shall contribute to this hobo's vodka account!"

And where are our city's Animal Care and Control officers in all this?

You may wonder what set this little blog post off. Well, I just passed a homeless man, sitting cross-legged in front of the muni exit, with an illegible cardboard sign and a hat containing approximately $3.42 in change. His head was bowed and his hands clasped in mock thankful prayer. Next to him? A tupperware container with holes poked through the top containing two fugly, live rats. Rats! Grody.

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