Monday, April 13, 2009

Ovo overload

My mother promised there would be "eggs, eggs and more eggs" at our family's Easter brunch yesterday, and she didn't disappoint! We gathered at my grandparents' home and made omelettes, tea eggs, quail eggs in salad, egg-dipped French toast, eggs in muffin form, quiche and approximately twelve non-egg foods as well!

Needless to say, I suffered from extended-stomach syndrome on my drive back to San Francisco, after which I met up with Mahogany Sparkle, Kitten, ChickenHawk and Lucy Ricardo for some drinks. Driving back through the city on a glorious Easter Sunday, it struck me that Easter really is a big holiday. There were folks dressed in all sorts of costumes, ranging from Jesus to the Easter bunny. One man I passed on the street wore nothing but a g-string (not sure how that relates to the holy day), and many others sported very creative Easter bonnets.

I'm sort of bummed I didn't get to spend the day in the sun in the park, but it was nice filling my belly with all sorts of delish food!

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