Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Suicide song

While I was ordering a cup of Starbucks, the barista complained, "They have got to stop playing this music or I'm going to kill myself!" Then, he turned his attention back to me and said, "See, I already forgot your order. This song is awful!"

Once he finished taking my order and marking the cup with the proper letters, he turned to another customer who was waiting by the counter. "I'm sorry," he said, "I forgot what you're waiting on."

"Um," replied the customer, sheepishly, "I was waiting to learn who sang this song."

At this point, a tiny, lady-barista bounced out from the back and said cheerfully, "It's Amos Lee, and the song is called Colors." I giggled.


The Paralegal said...

this will come as no surprise to you, but i love amos lee.

our lady of perpetual stuff and nonsense said...

get ready for a really tacky gift from texas...from the wife. i already love you, by proxy.

taco-flavored kisses,
miss texas