Monday, June 8, 2009

Birthgay party

Saturday was Gymnocent's birthday, so Puppy and I hiked up a big hill to help him celebrate. He claims that he forgot it was his birthday, so it was sort of a last-minute gathering of all the gays he knows in the city.

As his pseudonym implies, Gymnocent spends a lot of time concerned about fitness, and the majority of the party-goers also were in relatively good shape. Hence, the majority of conversation centerd around "Which gym do you go to?" and we compared experiences with various gyms around the city. Totes gay.

Not so gay was the fact that the party hosts seemed to neglect to buy alcohol, mixers or ice! Puppy and I came armed with a bottle of vodka and a bottle of soda, which was consumed very quickly. Toward the end of the party, someone came with a bottle of fernet, and in my inebriated state, I decided it would be the perfect drink (since there was nothing left). Needless to say, it was a bad idea, sending me quickly to bed.

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