Thursday, June 25, 2009

Only five?

Instead of going into the office today, four members of my team at work gathered at a local hotel for a "teambuilding" workshop. The session was based on The Five Dysfunctions of a Team, a "corporate fable" (WTF?) that describes executives at a fictional company who try to work more effectively together.

Like most business books, this one seems all common sensey to me, but this one wasn't such a bad read. So, basically we spent the day digging deep and getting vulnerable and giving each other the "gift" of feedback. Surprisingly, it went more harmoniously than I anticipated and I didn't want to stab my eyes out with the marks-a-lot pens or bang my head against the flip charts.

Tomorrow is day two of our offsite, but it will focus more on things we need to get accomplished. Sadly, tomorrow's agenda is in my hands and I have to facilitate. I'm not exactly sure how it's going to go, but my hope is that it will go quickly so we can all leave early for the weekend!

1 comment:

Gleemonex said...

I know one surefire way to facilitate ... well, pretty much anything. And that way is: booze. Go to it, young Panda.