Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Grammar lesson

As respectfully and patiently as I possibly could, I just spent the past several minutes explaining to my boss what a gerund is and why "commitment" isn't a verb. In the end, no progress was made, but we agreed to move on [I gave up] and I let her finish editing my document. Why can't I be a trust-fund baby?


Gleemonex said...

OMFG, Panda. As in, "We're reluctant to commitment that, since we're not in possession of all of our brain faculties going forward"?

PS: how apropos: my verification word is "rationy".

room8J said...

[blink] [blink]
I'm going back to watching Melrose Place.

XW said...

She needs a P1 and P2.

Writing "prose of impossible beauty" sure is a thankless job.