Monday, September 28, 2009

Seafaring Saturday

My very busy Saturday had a decidedly nautical bent to it. After an early morning haircut, I traveled to Treasure Island to see Cousin Beezey compete in the San Francisco International Dragon Boat Festival.

It was a very warm morning and hundreds of people had assembled to compete and spectate. Cousin Beezey's boat was composed of co-workers who'd been training for several months. While I watched her first race (they came in second), an elderly Chinese man tapped me on the shoulder and yelled at me for being too tall. He implored me to sit down, but I pretended not to understand his Chinese-speak. Instead, I turned my attention back to the race, snapped some pictures, then left the scene. If they wanted to cheer on the race, they should have been standing up also!

Evidently, Cousin Beezey and her team won a gold medal, but I only watched the first race of the day - and I stuck around long enough to witness some Cantonese rapping, which was quite interesting in itself.

Later on Saturday, I joined friends from grad school on a booze cruise of the Bay, to celebrate some friends' birthdays. To celebrate the '80s theme, I donned a 21 Jump Street t-shirt and some snappy suspenders. It was a gorgeous, clear, warm night and it was fun to down some drinks while cruising around the Bay.

The rest of my friends went on to an '80s cover band, but I took my leave and returned home to meet Puppy and his visiting friend for dinner and to regain my land-legs.

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