Thursday, January 28, 2010

Feline pharmaceuticals

Yesterday morning, when I went to Walgreens to fill a prescription for the cats' anti-anxiety medication (in anticipation of the cross-country flight), the pharmacist looked at the prescription order and then looked up at me, puzzled. She asked, "When is your birthday?" When I told her, she wondered why it was listed as "2008" on the prescription.

When I explained that the prescription was for my cat, and not for me (The vet had forgotten to list a cat's name.), she seemed a bit suspicious, but agreed to call the vet before filling the prescription.

I left the pharmacy and went to work, not really thinking about it. A few hours later, I received an email that began:

"Dear Stefano-Cat,
Your prescription order for Wednesday, January 27th is ready for pickup."

And that made me laugh out loud.


Gleemonex said...

Made me laugh too!

You bad bad drug-seeking Panda ... "Uh, oh, right, yeah -- they're, like, for my cat?"

Panda!!!! said...

Right? I was bummed the pharmacist caught the cat's name omission because I hoped my insurance would then cover it!

Unknown said...

Made me laugh out loud too! Glad you're using your panda cases!