Friday, January 15, 2010

More like "Nein"

Another tradition has come to an end. My last Movie "Mondays" with BoomKat transpired last night when we and her roommate had a nice dinner and saw the movie Nine.

As we reminisced over dinner (as I'm now prone to do since I'm moving and all), we realized that we've been friends for five years, which seems like a very long time, given that we started out as work buddies in neighboring cubes. Neither of us works for the company where we met, and there's a high probability that we'll both be on the East Coast by year's end, so that was comforting.

Nine is kind of a mess. A boring, snoozey mess. I didn't care at all for the protagonist and I was eager for it to wrap up so I could go home. Essentially, this is a movie about writer's block!

There were some nice moments, and Marion Cotillard's performance is pretty great. Surprisingly, of all the Academy Award-winners in the movie, my favorite performances were by Fergie and Kate Hudson. It's probably because their scenes are essentially music videos and I enjoyed their songs the best.

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