Monday, April 19, 2010

Campus walking tour

It was a moderately rainy day in Boston yesterday, but I decided it would be nice to walk to visit Jillian and her delightful family in Cambridge yesterday. On my 35-minute trek, I went through three college areas and passed students who accurately reflected my stereotypes of each.

My home is situated near Northeastern's campus, with it's all-American, Bostonian types. But as I headed north, I found myself surrounded by the artsy-fartsy hipster population of Berklee College of Music. Finally, I crossed the Harvard Bridge and found myself amidst the smartypants technical students on MIT's campus.

Having attended undergrad at a university that's not situated in a city, I wonder what life would have been like in a college campus where "real people" would walk through. I think I prefer my own college experience where we were sequestered from reality and didn't have to deal with interlopers who were traversing the streets to see their friends across the river.


Gleemonex said...

I always thought I had it perfectly right -- a real campus, with walls, but undeniably NYC. I was glad I hadn't pursued my dumb NYU idea, once I saw the random collection of scattered buildings that was their "campus."

Panda!!!! said...

Seriously. Is there an NYU campus?