Friday, April 30, 2010

Farewell, Flora

On my way to work yesterday, I noticed that the "check engine" light was illuminated on my car. And after last week's fiasco with the tire, I figured it was time to think about a new car. And now was as good a time as any since I hadn't yet registered Flora the Explorer in Massachusetts yet - another fee, for sure.

Twelve years ago, after a long day of car shopping with my pops, I brought Flora home and committed to a snappy green Ford Explorer Sport. Later that summer, Flora joined me in Washington DC, where she basically sat in a garage for several years. She would take me to swim practice a few times a week, but otherwise, I didn't do much driving.

Four years later, Flora took me cross-country back to California in a three-day zip across America. And for two years, Flora took me to grad school every day as I pursued a more marketable degree.

Then for six years, Flora basically sat on the street, moving occasionally to avoid street cleaning tickets and taking me to my parents' house from time to time. In San Francisco, I really didn't need a car, but I kept Flora anyway.

So, it wasn't very surprising when folks at the car dealership were shocked at how low Flora's mileage was. Sadly, it didn't help much in increasing her value when I traded her in yesterday. Adios, trusty gal!


room8J said...

Spelling mistake: Should be the "Explorah". She's a Boston girl now. RIP Flora! At least she didn't pull a Dottie!

Casey said...

So many fond memories of the commute to Haas with Flora, Britney, Christina and Beyonce.

Eden's Crush said...

I will always remember Flora as the place i first heard "Hymen Lemonade."