Monday, December 17, 2007

Party pooped

It was a very festive weekend of celebration and I'm exhausted! On Saturday, after a lovely dinner with VALedictorian and Leedle Zeester, Roommate J and I headed to the bars to meet Selives. But the bar was empty and Selives left to go home, so Roommate J and I left. We ended up crashing a house party and making some new friends but ultimately we knew it was time to move on.

So, we parted ways and I continued to do the bar-hop thing. Meanwhile, Roommate J took a nasty tumble and was whisked off to the hospital in an ambulance. It turns out he busted his arm in several places, thus requiring surgery later this week.

And yesterday, between parties, I stopped by the hospital to visit Roommate J. Since I had been enjoying the free-flowing champagne at the party, I may have been a bit inebriated. And apparently, I was a loud and clumsy hospital visitor, knocking things over and trying to turn on Roommate J's television. I also kept trying to peek around the curtain to catch a glimpse of Roommate J's suite mate who had yelled at us earlier that morning for being "loud." Essentially, Roommate J kicked me out and I returned home where I "fell asleep" on the couch.

Hours later, I woke up to learn that I had nearly completely missed my dinner engagement. I rushed to the restaurant just as the meal was ending, then enjoyed the rest of the evening with my pals.

My poor liver. It probably wonders why I hate it so much.

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