Monday, December 10, 2007

Shady lurker

Over brunch yesterday, Roommates A&J and I were discussing a fellow that we often see out and about. Dubbed the shady lurker, this man never seems to engage anyone in conversation and remains seated in a corner of the bar, sipping his beer or his white wine.

Often, he seems on the verge of speaking to us, but he never musters enough courage to actually make contact. Is he shy? Socially awkward? Maybe he has some form of Asberger's Syndrome like Heather from this season (ahem, cycle) of America's Next Top Model.

Roommate J posited that, since he's never talking to anyone, he must rely on the Internets for his sexytimes. I, on the other hand, prefer to think of him as asexual.

Later yesterday evening, we were visiting with Beetle and noted that it felt strange that he wasn't at the bar. Lo and behold, he arrived five minutes later, ordered a glass of white wine and slipped to a corner to quietly observe. Rather astutely, Beetle refers to this fellow as "Waldo," on account of his spectacles and his demeanor.

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