Thursday, February 5, 2009

Birthday booty call

To celebrate my birthday last night, Puppy took me to a lovely dinner at Nopa, where I dined on all sorts of delicious carbs (It was my birthday!).

And afterward, it was the grand re-opening of Juanita MORE's booty call party at the new Q Bar (which is exactly the same as the old Bar on Castro). So, we met up with Roommates A&J, Lezzies N&P, Dyson, Kitten and other crazy creatures of the night to drink and dance and take photos. People may have been there for the return of booty call, but I like to think it was my birthday celebration that brought them out.

At one point, Puppy got me a purple shot that flummoxed the bartenders. He had to explain the ingredients, then he insisted I drink it. So I did. And thus, my 33rd year begins just as many others have: hungover.

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