Saturday, February 21, 2009

Friday fiestas

Roommates A&J took me to a sausage-themed birthday party last night where we hardly knew any of the attendees. Random sausages were strewn all about the condo, at least one of the guests was a porn star and there seemed to be a webcam in the bathroom. It was an interesting soiree, but we left quickly, picked up GarGar and Lezzies N&P and headed to another birthday party, this one with a Mexican theme.

After consulting the drink menu, we realized that we would get the most value by buying pitchers of margaritas. So, we got several pitchers, caught up with Dyson, Kitten and other friends, drank a lot and finished up the evening.

On my way home, I stopped by Starbucks and asked for a black tea, which the cashier gave me for free! I think he was distracated by the drunk fellow who'd entered the store, took off his shirt, looked about confusedly, then put his shirt back on.

Just your typical Friday night!

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