Monday, July 27, 2009

Champagne Sunday

Yesterday was the annual Dore Alley "festival" in San Francisco - an occasion for gays to wear leather (or nothing at all) and do dirty things in public. For the uninitiated, it can be really upsetting, but for those of us jaded San Franciscans, it's old hat.

Luckily for the revelers, it was a gorgeous, hot day, so Puppy and I decided to visit the event. We had a beer, I ate some fried chicken, and we walked through the crowds of people. Quickly.

Neither of us seemed that interested in the goings-on, so we high-tailed it back to the Castro and visited Beetle at the bar. Blanca was in town, celebrating his birthday, so it was fun to catch up with him, while I guzzled on different variations of kir royales, bellinis and other champagne cocktails.

I ended up spending time in the corner, working on a crossword puzzle before finally heading home with some Indian food. It wasn't exactly the Dore Alley weekend I've experienced in the past, but it was fun nonetheless.

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