Sunday, July 19, 2009

Puttin' on the ritz

I landed in Philadelphia and I'm staying at the Ritz-Carlton, which The Communist informs me is a historic site. It's a beautiful hotel and I feel mightily underdressed.

Normally, my company wouldn't put me up in such fancy digs, but I'm speaking at a conference that's being hosted here and the conference organizers are footing my lodging bill. I feel like I'm bamboozling them, somehow. Don't they realize that I'm like a kid? In a moment, I plan to jump on the bed.


Gleemonex said...

At the height of the boom, my no-business-plan-having dotcom flew 150 of us (everybody from the CEO to the temp receptionist) to Puerto Rico, put us up in our own rooms at the Ritz-Carlton for three days, and fed & watered us so that we none of us spent a dime the entire time.

That was fun. I still have a box of matches from there.

Panda!!!! said...

I really am sad that I never had a dot-com chapter to my career. :(