Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Christ Al-Michael!

I just rode the muni with quite the character. A man with long dreadlocks and filthy clothes hopped onto the train and sat down, giggling to himself and letting out an occasional "WOO!" He wore a magenta cap adorned with Obama and Cindy Sheehan buttons and clasped a large plastic bag.

He turned to some passengers and said, "Christ Al-Michael! Christ Al-Michael!" before taking out a large poster of Michael Jackson on a cover of Ebony magazine from his bag and proudly displaying it to all the passengers on the bus.

He continued, "God sent only two people down to earth: Jesus Christ and Michael Jackson! Christ Al-Michael! Look! Michael has an eight-pack! Not just a six-pack! An eight-pack!"

After carefully replacing the poster in his plastic bag, he continued to laugh and exclaim "Chist Al-Michael!" for the duration of the ride.

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