Thursday, July 2, 2009

The elite of the elite

It wasn't until my freshman year of college, when I moved across the country to New England, when I learned about prep schools. I knew of private schools and public schools, but the world of New York prep schools (and boarding schools like Exeter, Andover and Choate) were completely foreign to me.

Now, NYC Prep is airing on Bravo and trying to show the world that Gossip Girl is "reality." The kids featured on this show are awful. Just awful. They try to act like they're 30, but their immaturity shines through. They're so awkward and uncomfortable in their own skin and they put on airs and project who they want to be.

And the one girl who goes to Stuyvesant longs so desperately to be included with the Upper East Siders that she doesn't seem to realize she already is part of the elite, having gotten into Stuy.

And the Chuck Bass character? Roommate J, SameBrain and I all think he's got to come out in some future episode. He has only girl friends and is very much into fashion. And that's only on the surface. Other traits belie his emerging sexuality struggle.

Finally, the girl Bravo chose to play the Blair Waldorf character? Busted face! She is terrible and pretentious and hopefully destined to an unfulfilling life of marrying in her class and popping out babies, while popping pills.

1 comment:

jboogie said...

is jessie meant to be blair? she is SO busted.