Thursday, July 16, 2009

l'as du falafel

For lunch today, I went with a co-worker to a new Mediterranean deli across the street and I selected a delicious falafel sandwich. It was pretty good, but only succeeded in making me long for the beautiful, tasty falafel sandwiches from l'as du falafel (which translates into "ace of falafel"), in Paris's marais district.

It came as a complete surprise that Paris would have superb (and cheap) falafel sandwiches, but there are several places where you can get a mighty tasty falafel treat. And of these, l'as du falafel was my absolute favorite! Something about the hot sauce and the vegetables they stuffed in the little pita made it burst with flavor and I don't think I've had anything comparable since.


Anonymous said...

Rue des Rosiers et mon estomac: un match dans le ciel!

frannie said...

i went there in 1997 on your suggestion (the little piece of paper where you wrote your paris must-see list is still pasted into my study abroad photo album) and managed to find my way back without the address or a map 6 years later. the falafel was so good it seared the whole experience on my brain, including the way to get there from the metro, evidently. shoot, now i'm HUNGRY.