Sunday, February 28, 2010

Couch potato

So, this must be what life without friends in the suburbs is like! After running all my errands yesterday (and successfully putting off the actual work I need to do), I found myself without much of a plan for the day.

I got dressed in my workout clothes, but decided that it was too cold to walk the 100 yards to the building complex's meager fitness center and I followed along to a "Fitness TV" workout offered through On Demand! It featured an energetic black man who led a group of decidedly unfit people in something called "cardioke" where people basically bounced around and sang. I didn't do the singing part, but I broke a sweat from all the bouncing.

Then, I watched a netflix (the only one at home, since I've been going through them at such a rapid pace) and two more movies through On Demand! I don't know who's paying for all these On Demand movies I keep ordering, but I think I'd go crazy otherwise.

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