Sunday, February 21, 2010

We're on vacation

SameBrain and I took a little trip into the city yesterday, situated ourselves at the cute Copley Place Hotel, and decided to eat, drink and shop our way through Boston. Even though I supposedly live here, we definitely were in vacation mode, where everything was forgiven and we allowed ourselves to indulge in anything. We ate well, drank well and basically spent a lazy 30 hours together.

We met up with some of my friends for dinner last night, but ended up meeting SameBrain's friend for drinks afterward. This fellow had no problems divulging the intricacies of his sex life and drug use and revealed some interesting tidbits about the clients he'd bagged back in the day when he and SameBrain worked together.

I couldn't help but notice how frenetic he was and how he reminded me of Vibrating Crackhead, whom I thought I'd left behind for good in San Francisco. And when he confessed that he used to leave work in the middle of the day to smoke crack, it all made sense to me.

1 comment:

jboogie said...

He needs a nickname. Too bad Vibrating Crackhead is already taken. x