Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Training day

Internets, please congratulate me. I finally did it! I somehow motivated me to go to the nearby Boston Sports Club and get a real workout in tonight!

Of course, this workout followed a big plate of baked ziti, but I'm not going to think about that right now.

Years ago, I was a member of the BSC's sister gym in Washington DC. In my twenties, it sufficed. And it fit my budget. But now, I guess I've become sort of a gym snob, because the BSC seemed to have old equipment, scratchy towels and an outdated locker room.

I mean, it was perfectly fine as far as gyms go (especially when I'm paying $20 for two weeks), but I don't think it could be my regular gym. Nonetheless, I worked out! It really hurt, and my poor body is truly out of shape, but I went!

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