I'm being filmed for a little news-type video tomorrow and our PR manager just sent me and my boss this e-mail:
Let me know if you want do a dry run/prep session in advance. I’d recommend you both where solid colors and bring some powder in case there’s any lighting.
Yes, I will bring in some powder. Since I have so much makeup at home!
i think the PR manager needs to proofread his/her emails. please let us know what you decided to where for your big video. maybe you should practice singing 'bust the windows out your car' in case you're called upon to share your creative side.
i think the PR manager needs to proofread his/her emails. please let us know what you decided to where for your big video. maybe you should practice singing 'bust the windows out your car' in case you're called upon to share your creative side.
I'm with Frannie. Definitely you should where something fabulous. Perhaps Rome.
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