Sunday, March 14, 2010

Mountain drive

My father is coincidentally in Hong Kong right now, so the weekend is family time. Also coincidentally, my uncle had a meeting in my hotel so we all met there for some afternoon tea yesterday.

Without any concrete plans for the day, we were kind of adrift. In situations like these, my biggest fear is that I will become overwhelmed by familial irritation when I have nothing to do or no one to talk to. But I don't see this side of the fam very often (with their living across the world and all) so I figured it was the least I could do.

So, we picked up some of my dad's childhood friends, went to my grandmother's house, switched to a larger car, loaded her in and drove up a mountain.

Apparently, it's the largest mountain in Hong Kong and I think it would have made for a very nice, vigorous hike. It was super cloudy so we got to the top and enjoyed the fog.

After a few minutes, we came down the other side of the mountain and returned to my grandmother's house. I was mildly irritated because I didn't realize our afternoon tea would lead directly into our dinner plans which led right into drinks with my cousins. Had anyone bothered to let me in on the schedule, I would have brought a jacket and more appropriate dinner shoes.

So we sat around, being unproductive and killing time. We watched a television channel I didn't understand and no one talked to me. One of my uncles fell asleep in a massage chair, snoring away. To pass the time, I emailed myself notes on my BlackBerry. No one cared that I disengaged.

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