Monday, March 22, 2010

Zero stars

Netflix has done away with the feature where you leave notes about movies for your friends. I am so disappointed in Netflix because that was one of my very favorite features.

I am at such a loss. How else will I let people know what I thought about this weekend's movie-watching: A Serious Man (2 stars; Judaism is much more interesting than the movie let on.), Rabbit-Proof Fence (3 stars; I should have realized a movie about walking would be kind of dull.) or Don't Tell Mom the Babysitter's Dead (3 stars; Nice power outfits, Christina Applegate!)?


Gleemonex said...

The dishes are DONE, man!

room8J said...

OMG Panda!!! How is it that you've never seen DTMTBD?? I think I've seen it approximately 400 times! I freakin' LOOOOVE Joanna Cassidy from that movie.

I'm right on top of that, Rose!!