Monday, September 3, 2007

Is it Monday yet?

As I've blogged in the past, Monday night is 80s night at the local watering hole. So, to ease ourselves back into the work week, Blanca, ChickenHawk and I met up to visit Beetle and to sing songs from our collective youth.

Since we'd met on the early side, we did a bit of bar-bouncing before committing to the 80s. At one bar, Blanca was in the midst of telling us a story - a story about how Roommates A&J had just called to tell him that they were blaming him for their crackhead behavior. Apparently, Roommate A was hallucinating and Roommate J was beating his face in with open fists. I'm not exactly sure what was going on - and I'm not exactly sure what Blanca had to do with anything, but hopefully I'll get some more clarity soon.

Anyhoo, in the middle of the story, Blanca suddenly stopped, eyes wide as saucers and mouth agape. He grabbed my and ChickenHawk's shoulders and looked outside - completely shocked. We turned around and saw that there was a man wearing only a baseball cap and shoes, sauntering down the street! Yes, Internets, the man was nearly completely nude, walking casually down the street at approximately 10:00pm. As if this behavior was absolutely normal.

And shortly thereafter, we ended up hanging out with Beetle, bopping to 80s music. I'm pleased to say that the DJ played my song and I had the opportunity to yell the lyrics at the top of my lungs - with drunk Cumtroller yelling along. 'Twas a good Labor Day 2007.

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