Saturday, December 20, 2008

Nutty holidays

Dyson and his boyfriend welcomed a bunch of us into their home for a holiday housewarming soiree last night. Dyson had spent his whole, unemployed day preparing an extravagant feast that featured, among other delights, salty nuts, stuffed mushroom caps and meatballs!

Blanca, Roommates A&J, Mahogany Sparkle and I met for a quick drink before heading over, but once we arrived, we boisterously joined GarGar, Lezzies N&P, Kitten and all the others in the festivities.

It was a nice way to polish off the holiday party season, but I had to cut out early because today is moving day and I've got to get myself ready for the movers!

1 comment:

Gleemonex said...

What, no salty chocolate balls?