Thursday, October 18, 2007

Panda cotton tail

I just returned from a very tiring and very enlightening day in the central valley. The Corporation sponsored a cotton farm tour so a big group of us went to visit different types of cotton farming. We saw conventionally grown cotton, sustainably grown cotton (which restricts the types and amounts of chemical pesticides and herbicides used) and organically grown cotton. We saw pima cotton, acala cotton and colored cotton (It grows brown or green or other colors!).

Some highlights:

* Helping with integrated pest management by releasing ladybugs into organic cotton "hotspots" which were being attacked by aphids

* Watching the harvest machine pluck cotton bolls from the plants

* Life lessons from our teppanyaki chef

* Observing the ginning process whereby ginormous cotton modules are turned into clean bales

* The delicious organic foods we were served for lunch

* Hearing from a doctor about medical ailments in the central valley caused by unclean air and pesticide usage

'Twas a very interesting work trip and I was totes glad to have gone. But Panda!!!! is exhausted.

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