Sunday, October 7, 2007

Shabu shabu all night long

For Selives's birthday, we assembled at a restaurant for shabu shabu, sake bombs and merriment. Blanca had the very good idea to purchase a few dozen fake mustaches as a testament to Selives's signature look and I'm sure the restaurant staff didn't expect a table of 22 screaming, singing, drinking revelers with little black adhesive mustaches all over their faces!

Of course dinner was only the beginning of the party and we all ended up dancing and acting up at Playboy. Somehow, I ended up at PorkChop and Selives's home with Blanca, BritDJ and two visiting Mexicans whom PorkChop had lured over. Selives, meanwhile, had gone MIA, but emerged a few hours later. Apparently he had ended up going to a naughty bar where ladies dance nakedly for the patrons.

I finally dragged my tired panda ass home around 4:30am. Thank goodness Selives's birthday comes only once a year!

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